Thursday, June 9, 2011

Two New Channelling Feats

Note: These have been rattling around in my head for a while. I need feedback REALLY bad on them. So if you use them in a gaming group, I'd appreciate hearing about it. The cost (in channelling and feats) isn't an accident. The ability to extend channelling's reach and to exclude the bad guys from the normal burst is pretty potent. Other options if 2 uses/2 feats is too low for a GM could be changing the Channel from a standard action to a full round action.


Shaped Channel: Cone
With great effort and concentration, you can channel your divine energies in a cone.
Prerequisite: Improved Channel, Selective Channel
Benefit: With great focus and effort, the cleric (or other channeling class) can release a cone-shaped burst (45 feet long). Each use requires 2 uses of channel energy
Normal: Typically channeling energy is only done in a 30 ft burst.

Shaped Channel: Line
With great effort and concentration, you can channel your divine energies in a straight line.
Prerequisite: Improved Channel, Selective Channel.
Benefit: With great focus and effort, the cleric (or other channeling class) can release a burst of energy in a line up to 60 feet long. Each use requires 2 uses of channel energy
Normal: Typically channeling energy is only done in a 30 ft burst.

1 comment:

  1. They are good, though I don't see the cause for the cost of two channeling atempts. Most Channeler's are charsima starved anyhow. Also these feats are a free class feature of the holy vindicator. So yes getting them independantly of the class is nice, but the cost is a bit high. Removing the two uses would make them more useful, considering you already have selective channeling as a prerequisite. Though these feats are nice, you could technically do the same thing by taking the the shape spell like ability from one of the old monster manuals. Overal it's useful if you're going to focus on being a cleric or a channeler, but at the same time, that same channeler should be nueatral or worship a nuetral deity or cause, take versitile channler to channel positive and negative then go holy vindicator and keep taking channeling

