I won't lie. I'm a terrible person. I like guns in my swords and sorcery. Some folks think that is an alien thing or that it 'violates' some fundamental physical law of the genre. You simply, according to these folks, have a world where magic AND guns work. It's just not done.
I don't buy it. Sorry. If you can have 'mind powers' and sorcery, you can pull a 'thunder rod' from your belt and pop a cap in Thulsa Doom just as easy.
So right off the bat, I was looking at a mini I got. My friend Stacie just finished painting her and I have to admit that I'm looking forward to trying a gunslinger of the pistol weilding flavor, despite my reservations.
Some of the things I KNOW that are different between Kyrie (my musket master/grenadier) is that you are not as far off. That means I HAVE to be within 30 feet to get optimum performance out of the pistolero. Up Close and Personal is like a ranged sneak attack with the perk of you do damage even if you MISS. But like most precision attacks, it requires you to stay close.
That means mobility and speed are an must. That eliminates the smaller races and dwarves. 20 foot movement will be bad for a 'fast mover'. It also means that the gunslinger will HAVE to be as lightly encumbered as possible.
Of course, with the perk of things like Endless Bandoliers, Bags of Holding/Handy Haversacks and Efficient Quivers encumberance is a non-issue after a certain point.
The big issue is picking a gun to work around since Rapid Reload is item specific now. Either double barrel pistol or pepperbox. With DB Pistols you get a cheaper price, with Pepperbox you get to hold off on RR for a while.
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