Players have been meeting up for the start of an adventure in taverns, bars, pub and inns for decades in dozens of different game settings. From the gritty fantasy of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, to DnD in all its' incarnations and to the far future of sci-fi games.
I fondly recall one Shadowrun setting where the players had more than a few adventures tied into their favorite club. One being the long running quest to get the owner's truename back (she was a free spirit). One of the fun points my WHFRP GM likes to point out is that an Innkeeper is an advanced career. So they aren't too weak.
In many games I've heard about in campaigns with runaway players, the Bartender is the first to die on the player's whim. I've always thought that any guy (or gal) who runs a bar in an area where there are heavily armed (and armored) folks is not a one-shot one-kill cutaway npc.
So, without further ado, I'm going to start up the 'Bartenders of Glorian' thread over the coming weeks, with alternate notes for my own personal failed game setting of Dragonsgate as an option.
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