Paizo has a serious Goblin fixation. There is a goblin on each of the bestiary covers so far, and they are big into the whole look of them. I like it.
A Random sampling of characters, npcs and items for any variety of RPGs I'm looking at at any given time.
PLEASE.. Give me comments, without them I can't work on improving!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
We BE Goblins!!!
Paizo has a serious Goblin fixation. There is a goblin on each of the bestiary covers so far, and they are big into the whole look of them. I like it.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Wayfinder by Paizo Fans United
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Gamer's Rant: New Editons that shouldn't have been
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
My Sources
Sunday, June 12, 2011
'The Bartender is a what?' Part 2: Haladen 'Hal' Laroe
Friday, June 10, 2011
Battlemap App!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Two New Channelling Feats
Shaped Channel: Cone
With great effort and concentration, you can channel your divine energies in a cone.
Prerequisite: Improved Channel, Selective Channel
Benefit: With great focus and effort, the cleric (or other channeling class) can release a cone-shaped burst (45 feet long). Each use requires 2 uses of channel energy
Normal: Typically channeling energy is only done in a 30 ft burst.
Shaped Channel: Line
With great effort and concentration, you can channel your divine energies in a straight line.
Prerequisite: Improved Channel, Selective Channel.
Benefit: With great focus and effort, the cleric (or other channeling class) can release a burst of energy in a line up to 60 feet long. Each use requires 2 uses of channel energy
Normal: Typically channeling energy is only done in a 30 ft burst.
A spell whilst you wait!
One of the spells from my old fun on the Stennis group, adapted to Pathfinder. As such, I'm going to give a call out to the guys who let my character (Kyrie Harpell) create crazy spells like this and give the input I needed to make them work. Thanks guys. (That would be: Roland, John, Ryan, Drake, Morris and the rest of the guys I'm trying to recall of the 2000 Stennis Cruise)
For the setting, this is one of the spells that Callie Del Noire is (in)famous for, though she doesn't claim to have created it. Some hints that she found a cache of lost spell books and transcribed select spells from it. It is rumored at least one of the bounties offered is from the creator/owner of the spells.
(Feel free to comment on these please!)
Clinging Darkness
School: Evocation [darkness] Level: Sorcerer/Wizards 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, M/DF (black ink mixed with ground coal/iron fillings)
Range: Touch
Target: Object Touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: none, Spell Resistance: no
This spell creates a field of darkness just like the darkness spell with the addition that the darkness ‘sticks’ to anyone coming into the field and leaving it. To that person, the effects of the darkness spell persist as if they were still in the spell’s area of effect. The spell effect can be disperse in the same way as darkness, but has to be applied to the victim. To others, the victim looks like they are wrapped in gauzy wisps of darkness. The spell fades at the end of it’s duration regardless of location.
Monday, June 6, 2011
"The bartender is a what?" Part 1
I fondly recall one Shadowrun setting where the players had more than a few adventures tied into their favorite club. One being the long running quest to get the owner's truename back (she was a free spirit). One of the fun points my WHFRP GM likes to point out is that an Innkeeper is an advanced career. So they aren't too weak.
In many games I've heard about in campaigns with runaway players, the Bartender is the first to die on the player's whim. I've always thought that any guy (or gal) who runs a bar in an area where there are heavily armed (and armored) folks is not a one-shot one-kill cutaway npc.
So, without further ado, I'm going to start up the 'Bartenders of Glorian' thread over the coming weeks, with alternate notes for my own personal failed game setting of Dragonsgate as an option.
Random Gaming Thingees
Pathfinder Links
Callie's Pouch of Spell Components

Callie’s Bottomless Spell Component Pouch (Pathfinder RPG)
Description: Renowned arcane trickster Callie Del Noire is known to have come up with the well-designed pouch of holding to hide her spell components and scrolls and yet have that at ready access when she put her hand into it. The pouch has a false bottom that can be fastened to hide the extradimensional space from inspection. There are several magics that were laid on the pouch that made it different from a normal bag of holding, these include magic aura (to conceal it against magical detection), detect thought and unseen servant (which allow the owner to think the activation word to conceal the extradimensional space and let the servant know what the owner is reaching into the pouch for.) Due to the limitations of the pouch’s size and the servant’s limited lifting ability (2 pounds), it is considered to have a third the space/dimensions of a type 1 bag of holding (contents limit: 80 lbs, Cubic Volume limit: 10 cubic feet)
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, detect thought, magic aura, secret chest, unseen servant; Cost: 1,500 gp