Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Megacon, a survivors tale.

It is said with age comes wisdom. The old saw leaves out that wisdom comes from a list of mistakes you vow to ever repeat again. Like spending the entire convention in one room.

My Convention Rules are:
-Preorder tickets. MONTHS ahead.
-Know EXACTLY where you're going to sleep
-Bring fluids.
-Bring cough drops, spare shirts, pens, body spray and soap. (Everyone stinks by mid afternoon)
-Be patient. People will be gawking. That means standing around, sudden stops, weird turns, bumping into folks. AND spilling things, so don't wear your favorite shirt unless you can handle a stain. We are ALL here for fun, so help out. Hold a door, point out that someone dropped something, ect.
-Set a limit. (Daily and overall) Once you hit it, WALK away.
-Talk to the folks at booths. Not just the ones you are looking for. Never know when you might discover something new in life. (Found a local author at the con, lovely lady)

NEW Rule. Set time aside for other things. Just because there are FOUR slots of games don't mean you play/GM them all. Wander around. See other places. Take photos, do new things.

The pictures are of Kristy the VC getting a commendation challenge coin. One of two folks who have earned it in the greater Florida area.

Fun was had by all.

And like Kristy said..,"Pathfinders roll for initiative."

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